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Granted Application number JP9166418A Other languages English ( en ) Other versions JP2907798B2 ( ja Inventor Hiroyuki Sawaki 博之 沢木 Munetsugu Yatani 宗承 八谷 Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.) Daito Giken KK Original Assignee Daito Giken KK Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.) 1997-06-23 Filing date 1997-06-23 Publication date 1999-01-19 1997-06-23 Application filed by Daito Giken KK filed Critical Daito Giken KK 1997-06-23 Priority to JP9166418A priority Critical patent/JP2907798B2/ja 1999-01-19 Publication of JPH119764A publication Critical patent/JPH119764A/ja 1999-06-21 Application granted granted Critical 1999-06-21 Publication of JP2907798B2 publication Critical patent/JP2907798B2/ja 2017-06-23 Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical Status Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current. Links. ベットした額の一部が突然もらえる サプライズキャッシュバックがあり 、溜まった分はジャックポットのように獲得可能。 ミスティーノでは無料でゲームを楽しめる無料版も. を超えるゲーム数 ビットコインで入金・出金可能 $1600 今すぐプレイ Jackpot. 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