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Boldenone may have been banned in the 70s, but Equipoise (the veterinary steroid) is still readily available to this day. 3. Why have cats such a hard time with food? Cats can't digest meat, so it creates very little waste that can be burned in the lungs and expelled through an esophagus. In the animal kingdom, cats have never produced waste for their own benefit. And most cats don't have the need to waste food. They are basically carnivores. But cats, despite some minor differences in appearance, are basically indistinguishable from one another, so as to have a certain similarity in body shape and behavior, and no reason to think a cat would ever have some special connection with a specific kind or even a particular species of animal. This means we can just as easily compare them to dogs or cats without realizing an important difference or any special behavioral characteristics at all. 4. I don't even see why this makes sense. They eat a lot, don't they? In the beginning stages of life, they may start by being eaten by small carnivorous birds or amphibians or small mammals like mice and fruit bats. Later in life, they will occasionally eat a small mammal like antelope or even another carnivorous mammal such as deer. They even do this as a form of scavenging, but even they don't think much about it at the beginning or at any stage in their lifespan. After breeding, they'll still hunt for meat at any opportunity they can get. At the same time, a lot of cats eat meat. But they still don't feel particularly hungry, and they don't eat as much meat as their human counterparts do. Why do cats eat more meat when they have so little to burn, and would actually not even need the calories? It has to do with the fact they use heat. Cats are actually very efficient heat-users, because they can control their body temperature throughout the day (if they are able to, which is the case, because most pets can control their body temperature well enough) and use a great deal of fat within fat that is not available to humans. This is why most people think a cat is "cold." They don't just "have a cold," they "warm things up." When you heat something up, it takes more energy to do so than in an energy-negative state. Cats actually heat up by burning calories. They also have a "warm bed" they lay down on, a warm water bath they take, and a heat lamp that burns a lot of energy, but not enough to warm their bodies in the extreme. 5. Cats Similar articles: